I've been wanting to design my own Roll & Write game ever since I learned about the ROLL & WRITE DESIGN CONTEST from the Board Game Geek forums. However, coming up with an idea tends to be more difficult than expected, and it's not like inspiration works on command. Spoiler alert! Yesterday, I was reading about charts and dice rolling probabilities in RPG games. This happened because I recently played a USR RPG solo session , in which the monster chart I had designed proved to be incredibly overpowered, having all my characters die in a glorious Total Party Kill scenario. The article I had found, titled "Encounter Table Bell Curve" , mentioned an example using a 1d4+1d6 roll and explained the rarity of all possible results in terms of percentages. AAAAND that's when inspiration hit!! ME: "Hey! Common, uncommon, rare, very rare... that sounds like item tiers in a game! IN FACT, Assasin's Creed Odyssey (which I've been playi...
Welcome to Eryssel's Journeys, a blog about Solo-RPG's, Board Games, and other random stuff.